Issue with Zotero Freezing


I'm having some issues with Zotero Freezing which I'm looking for support with.

It generally runs fine for a period but then becomes very choppy, often freezing with a spinning processing wheel, but needing to be restarted. My experience is it then remains very slow.

The only plugin that I'm running is Better Notes for Zotero, and my library is very small (200 items). I do have some PDFs which I've made lots of highlight annotations to using the inbuilt PDF reader, but the files are generally just small research articles.

Any help would be really appreciated - I've just paid for upgraded storage and am loving the software but this is making it hard to use.
  • I have generated a debug code for this - I think I've done this correctly?

  • You'd have to check whether it happens with all plugins disabled.
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