Zotero 7 Chrome Extension No Longer Adds Items as Correct Type

Everything is added as a web page, not a journal article, Substack post, etc.

Version is 7.0.4-beta.2+974ac7861 (64-bit)

I restarted everything and reinstalled the Chrome extension.
  • And a couple hours later and everything seems to be working.

    Is there a network component to this functionality, as I am now having some other network issues...

    I will leave this up for a little while longer.
  • We'd have to see a Debug ID from the Zotero Connector for reloading the page and trying to save to say what was happening. But no, there's generally no network component to this beyond access to the site you're currently viewing.
  • This hasn't recurred today. No idea what was going on, consider it closed.
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