Anyone have suggestions on how to manage webdav space?

I've got a Boox Note Air 3 e-ink tablet, and the Zotero integration is in beta right now. From what I've read, it works really nicely with Zotero storage. I've got just over 3GB of attachments in my library and need to cull it down to well under 2GB so I can afford the annual fee for Zotero storage. I can't find a way to sort my library by attachment size or to do an advanced search that isolates everything over, say, 100MB.

Does anyone have any workflow suggestions for sorting through your library to find the largest attachments and deciding what to kill to reduce space demands?


  • Do you also have a laptop/desktop machine? You can find free storage analyzer tools for any OS that you can point at the zotero data folder to find the largest attachments. (webdav is something entirely different though -- it's an alternative to Zotero file storage that doesn't currently, but will, work with the Android app)
  • I played a little with shell scripting in my ~/Zotero/storage directory, and I can come up with the top offending hash directories and the names of the files (attachments) within them, so I believe I've got an approach to prioritize what entries in which I kill the attachments, leaving only the bibliographic information.

    Thanks for the idea, @adamsmith
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