wrong format for citation in word document

I am compiling a bibliography using the Genetics Style:

(Barrett et al. 2021)

Barrett A, McWhirter R, Taylor SR, Weinreb A, Miller DM, Hammarlund M. 2021. A head-to-head comparison of ribodepletion and polyA selection approaches for Caenorhabditis elegans low input RNA-sequencing libraries. G3 Genes Genomes Genet. 11(7). doi:10.1093/g3journal/jkab121.

In a separate document that I am editing, this same reference (also using the Genetics style) is incorrectly formatted with multiple author names:

(Barrett, McWhirter, Seth R Taylor, Weinreb, D.M. Miller, and Hammarlund 2021)

I have reinstalled the reference and Genetics styoe in zotero and rebooted word and zotero...but the problem persists....suggested fix?

  • That really looks like bad metadata. Can you try reinserting the reference,.making sure you insert the correct version from your library?
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