ZoteroAttanger citekey options?? (as in Zotfile)

Hey I have the following problem:

Up to now I use the citekey "auth.lower+year" in BetterBibTex f.e. james2001. Since Zotfile isn´t compatible anymore to Zotero 7, where you could have used "{%b}" to generate the similar pdf name (james2001.pdf), I´m not able to do the same for ZoteroAttanger.

For ZoteroAttanger I tried some combinations but unfortunately I never got to the BetterBibTex Style again. F.e. I tried in Zotero Attanger the style {{firstCreator}}{{year}} but then it shows for the given example: James et al.2001, so it´s not matchng to the Bibtex one.

In facts I need the right code for "auth.lower+year" in zoteroAttangers language or a similar option for both.

Maybe anyone could help me with that problem and maybe has an option?
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