[z7b03] bug or feature?

edited 18 days ago
So i've noticed just now that when pressing backspace when no annotation item is selected - the pdf viewer goes backward 1 page (prev. page if you will). I'm not sure that I've came across this behaviour before and therefore unsure whether this is intended (or not) by the devs.

Personally, I guess it's better without this feature and just have the backspace do nothing when no annotation is selected. With annotation selected, backspace should merely delete the annotation.

  • edited 18 days ago
    update: notwithstanding the aforementioned, I discover that even with an annotation / annotated in-text area selected, upon pressing backspace, the viewer goes to the previous page *as well as* deleting the selected annotation. However this cannot be replicated at the same location. (i.e. if I (re-)annotate the same location after deletion then backspace - the viewer deletes this annotation without returning to the previous page).

    update ii: if the re-annotation is not the same location as before, backspace functions as deletion + prev. page. If the same: deletion.
  • D1896675011
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