Citation is wrong
Zotero keeps adding the wrong in-text citation. It is completely formatted incorrectly even though I have selected the correct style; it keeps using the article title and not the website name. Is there a way I can fix it in Zotero so I do not have to remember to fix it every time? I have also noticed that my bib keeps italicizing things that should not be. Is there a way that I can fix that and attach it to the source in Zotero so I do not have to change it every time I refresh?
This is a link to the website.
So, is it possible to manually override a citation or not?
In general, you should get into the habit of checking item data after importing to be sure it is complete and correct.
Can you please answer my question? Is it possible to manually override a citation or not?
That won't, though, fix the corresponding bibliography entry. For that, you'd have to use edit bibliography and then manually fix in the editor, which isn't great (among other things, it keeps that part of the bibliography from updating). So it's a better idea to just get the data entry right. Once you add CAP as a single field author, say, the in-text citation will come out correctly and line up with the bibliography. has all examples in the 7th edition of the APA manual with recommended data entry in Zotero to produce correct output.
I also have capitalized citations on my reference page when they should not be.
I was asking for a manual override to fix these issues. Since there is no manual override, no steps have been taken to tell me how to do one. So, the answer to whether it is a manual override is no. I'm not sure why my actual question is being ignored, so I have come to the conclusion that there is no override.
So far, these issues are still issues.
You don't want a one-time solution (which is what override would typically refer to) but when we tell you exactly what to do to get correct citation output (which you are welcome to call a permanent'override' though I find that a confusing term), you don't engage with that at all, which is perplexing.
So let me ask this differently: how is changing the metadata in Zotero different from what you call an override?
We have answered your question several times. You are misunderstanding the problem, and we are telling you how to fix it. It would be nice if you would engage with us in good faith.
What happens when you insert the citation to the item whose metadata you have fixed in a new empty document? Can you show a screenshot of the item in your library?
Is this what you want?
Given that metadata, I'd expect you to get an in-text citation as (Jimenez et al., 2016), which would be correct APA. If you don't want the authors listed (why not), you'd want to remove the authors and list Center for American Progress as a single field author (bwiernik mentions that above).
I found the same article with the authors listed, and I was able to add them to the missing data. I had hoped that would fix my issue.
As damnation says, delete the faulty citation in your document and re-insert.