Zotero 7 64-it installation failure

I updated from Zotero 6 to Zotero 7. The update process chose to use the 32 bit version. All went smoothly though a lot of the plugins are missing or broken. I updated manually to Zotero 7 64-bit. That has not gone smoothly at all. The installation (in name only) failed and it leaves with an error telling me that my computer needs to reboot etc. " If you receive this message repeatedly choose NO to completely remove the previous installation and start again. Your Zotero data will not be affected" I am getting the message repeatedly, I choose NO and nothing happens. I have tried to manually uninstall Zotero through the control panel and I get the same error message. Seems to be in some kind of doom loop. Any ideas?? Right now I have a non-functioning program.
  • edited 19 days ago
    @mkostura: "No" should work. If it's not working for you, can you tell us whether you have a C:\Program Files (x86)\Zotero and/or C:\Program Files\Zotero folder and what's in them? (You can just share a screenshot of the file list.)

    After that, simply deleting those folders and reinstalling should do the trick.

    (The link from @adamsmith was about a different issue, so I've removed that.)
  • This much is clear. NO does not work. Not sure if it is a security issue, admin rights or something else but absolutely nothing happens.

    I have attempted to find and fix registry problems associated with Zotero using a utility software. The utility software that I am using reports that it can identify and uninstall the program. As a confirmation, the software lists the folders and files that will be removed. The primary data folder is listed and so I have not uninstalled using this method. I suppose that I can rename the folder temporarily or backup to another location.

    I have both C:\Program Files (x86) and C:\Program Files\Zotero. See links. The former has two folders, the latter has the installation.

  • edited 19 days ago
    OK, thanks. You can go ahead and delete C:\Program Files (x86)\Zotero and C:\Program Files\Zotero and reinstall. There's no need for third-party utility software here.
  • I used the utility software to clean up any broken zotero related registry keys after I had deleted the folders. Then I reinstalled Z v7 with no problem.

    Like the 64-bit performance and the GUI looks clean. I will miss a couple of plug-ins but maybe they will be updated. Thanks for keeping a great piece of software going!
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