Z7: copy function doesn't work in pdf viewer

With zotero 7 update, some functions stopped working. In particular, when an pdf attachment is open in a tab, ctrl+C shortcut doesn't work if i select text. It still does when the pdf is opened in a separate window.

Btw plz update zutilo quickly because i cannot do any more some shortcuts like "add tag" shortcut and it is quite burdensome to add a tag manually with the new (awsome despite that) interface.

  • Little update: In troubleshooting mode, it seems to work. I can ctrl+C something in the pdf reader without opening it in another window (so in a tab). Plz how can i do it in normal mode?!!

    More generally, it's very burdensome for me not having a way to create the shortcuts i want: "add tag", "change title", etc. Secondly, can you confirm it is not possible to have the right pane open (with info, attachment ,tag, etc) when pdf is open in a separate window? Lastly, can't we chose by default what are the entries visible and not visible in the info pane? basically i would like to see only some specific fields: title, author, report nb, report type, place, institution, and date. Thks for ur time
  • OK now i found the problem: the zutilo plugin i installed following that method:

    When the plugin is disable, the shortcut works well. Sadly, without that plugin i cannot other stuff. And still, that plugin allows to do everything zutilo used to do, excepted creating shortcuts (that part appears but doesnt' work)
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