Is "Allow other applications on this computer to communicate with Zotero" working post-7.0?

Recent adopters of the logseq-zoterolocal-plugin have been having trouble getting it to work: it puts up errors stating that it can't retrieve items from Zotero. No matter what we do, we can't get it to work. My friend who has it working has Zotero 7.0; I have Zotero 7.0.2.

Is it possible that this service in Zotero may have been broken?
  • We haven't made any changes to the local API server since 7.0. Under Settings -> Advanced -> Config Editor, make sure:
    • extensions.zotero.httpServer.enabled is set to true
    • extensions.zotero.httpServer.port is set to 23119, and the logseq plugin is connecting to that port
    If those are set correctly and logseq still isn't able to connect, open Debug Output Logging in Zotero and see if any incoming HTTP requests are logged. If none are, the problem might be on the logseq side.
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