[7.0.1.beta3] Closed search doesn't resume after re-opening in ePub reader


I've noticed that closing and reopening the search bar in the ePub reader doesn't resume the search.

To reproduce:

Start a search by tiping "search"
Close the search by clicking on the looking glass.
Re-open the search by clicking the same icon.

Result: Nothing is highlighted, clicking the downward or upward arrows in the search pop-up does nothing. Only after clicking enter does the search start. The behaviour is different in the PDF reader, which makes me think this is not intentional.
  • Good catch, thanks!
  • The behaviour is different in the PDF reader, which makes me think this is not intentional.
    I actually can't reproduce this - seems to do the same thing in the PDF reader. And on second thought, this might be the correct behavior - you don't necessarily (and probably usually don't) want to run the same search twice, and if you do, you can just press Enter after reopening the search popup.
  • The behaviour in the PDF reader is a bit more curious on closer inspection; what seems to happen is:

    1. Opening the search pop-up and typing the search term -> Search term is highlighted in the PDF, I can navigate the occurences.
    2. Closing the search pop-up -> search term is no longer highlighted
    3. Opening the search pop-up again -> search term is not highlighted, but I can navigate the occurences by clicking the arrow buttons
    4. Clicking the downwards arrow once -> green highlight jumps to next occurance.
    5. Closing the search pop-up again -> the highlights remain visible.

    Doing the same in the ePub reader is not possible, because in step 3 clicking the arrow buttons doesn't do anything.
  • The behaviour in the PDF reader is a bit more curious on closer inspection; what seems to happen is:
    We'll fix it—thanks.
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