Word to Libreoffice, corrupted citations

Hi, I am trying to switch from word to libreoffice writer a document (docx) with several citations.
I followed the instructions and the conversion of the document goes well in word, as the zotero addin for word is even capable or restoring the citations.

The problem is that when I try to restore them in libreoffice, most of them are "corrupted".

When I open the document, they appear like this

ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"e7RE3vuq","properties":{"formattedCitation":"Hurvitz et al., {\\i{}Conversion to Islam in the Premodern Age}, 3\\uc0\\u8211{}8; Carlson, \\uc0\\u8216{}When Did the Middle East Become Muslim?\\uc0\\u8217{}","plainCitation":"Hurvitz et al., Conversion to Islam in the Premodern Age, 3–8; Carlson, ‘When Did the Middle East Become Muslim?’","noteIndex":1},"citationItems":[{"id":7513,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/2280710/items/FQIXUK3Y"],"itemData":{"id":7513,"type":"book","abstract":"\"Conversion to Islam is a phenomenon of immense significance in human history. At the outset of Islamic rule in the seventh century, Muslims constituted a tiny minority in most areas under their control. But by the beginning of the modern period, they formed the majority in most territories from North Africa to Southeast Asia. .......

But, when I restore them they turn to {Citation} and zotero tells me that they are corrupted.

I tried to update both zotero and the addins, but to no effect.

Is there something else I can try?

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