Clickable in-text citation (Zotero 7)

I really like the new feature of being able to click on an in-text citation and be taken to the full reference at the end of the paper. However, I don't like having to scroll back to where I was afterwards as my scrolling finger has enough RSI challenges as it is lol. Is there a non-scroll way to get back the the location of the in-text citation? Thank you. Love you Zotero!
  • There is, and I use it a lot. The PDF reader has Back and Forward functions with shortcut keys.

    Cmd + [ for Go Back,
    Cmd + ] for Go Forward on Macs.
    Replace Cmd with Ctrl on Windows or Linux, I presume.

    You can also see them in the Go pull down menu while using the PDF or EPUB reader.
  • A useful list of shortcuts are here, but it is incomplete and not fully up-to-date:
  • Thank you so much. Alt + Left Arrow/Right Arrow works for me on Windows 11. You've saved several weeks of my life!
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