Annotation format

Hi there!
I have got a question regarding annotations: Is it somehow possible to create a pre-defined format for annotations in general? I would like to have annotations to be always cursive when exporting them together with the fitting quotation from literature.
Thank you in advance for any response!
  • I'm not sure I understand correctly what you mean, but note templates might be what you're looking for:
  • edited August 18, 2024
    I somehow overlooked this. Thank you very much, it works like a charm now!

    Edit: I am currently trying to add an emoji like "❗️" to a note that has been created with the "Add Notes from Annotations" function. I would like to have this emoji added, if the marked line has a specific hashtag. I had no luck so far, I can't get emojis to work based on an allocated hashtag. Is this a limitation from Zoteros side? Emojis work per se, so maybe I am doing something incorrectly...
  • I'm definitely not an expert, but if you copy and paste your current note template or your most recent attempt at achieving what you want here, maybe someone could take a look.
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