Style Error:[British Journal of Ophthalmology]
I found a few errors with this style and would be grateful to anyone who is able to help:
1. the in-text citation style is the ref number within brackets [] not parentheses ()
2. if in-text citations are multiple (but not 3 or more sequential citations), then there should be a space between the comma of the proceeding citation and the next citation number (e.g. [4, 7] instead of [4,7]).
3. list all refs if 3 or fewer, otherwise list 3 plus et al.
4. no period between ref # and author name in bibliography
5. in reference, should read: "journal name. year;vol:page-page."
note: there is no month of publication or issue number
That appears to be all. If you need to see the style yourself, it can be found at:
Again, thank you very much for your help.
1. the in-text citation style is the ref number within brackets [] not parentheses ()
2. if in-text citations are multiple (but not 3 or more sequential citations), then there should be a space between the comma of the proceeding citation and the next citation number (e.g. [4, 7] instead of [4,7]).
3. list all refs if 3 or fewer, otherwise list 3 plus et al.
4. no period between ref # and author name in bibliography
5. in reference, should read: "journal name. year;vol:page-page."
note: there is no month of publication or issue number
That appears to be all. If you need to see the style yourself, it can be found at:
Again, thank you very much for your help.
I would to request additional changes for this citation style:
1. The journal title should be in italic and abbreviated according to the style of Medline
2. Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) should be included on all online first citations
More information is available here:
This was the link from BJO.
Thanks for your help!
as well as DOIs - for all articles as per instructions. The style does not add any reference to "First Published online..." - not least because Zotero doesn't save a separate "online publication date".