Zotero Connector on Firefox not working while Zotero 7 is syncing

Since the update to Zotero 7, I have observed that I cannot save items from Firefox via Zotero Connector for a while after starting the Desktop application (getting the same error message as when Zotero isn't running, and "HTTP request to has timed out after 15000ms" in the error log). I strongly suspect from my observations that this is connected to syncing, as the problem seems to disappear on its own, as soon as the database is synced. Is there a way to fix this behavior, or at least have Zotero queue these items for saving until it is done syncing?

Firefox version is 115.14.0esr (64-Bit), Zotero Connector is 5.0.141 and Zotero itself 7.0.1 (64-bit)
  • Can you provide a Debug ID for Zotero startup through reproducing this, using the "Restart with Logging Enabled…" option?
  • It's a bit tricky to reproduce, because it only happens long enough if I have a substantial amount of items (with attachments) to sync -- so usually when switching laptops after a day of work. But I will try to get a Debug ID with the next larger session I have.
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