Tag autocomplete when adding tag to item could be better

When I want to add a tag to an item, I get autocomplete suggestions only for tags that contain what I have typed at the beginning.

It would be nice to extend this, such that tags that match partially anywhere in the tag name are also suggested.

For example, currently, I have the following tag name in my library: "Transcription_Factor"

If I attempt to add a tag to an item, and start typing "Transcrip...", I get the useful autocomplete suggestion "Transcription_Factor". However, if I typed instead "Factor", I never get the suggestion for "Transcription_Factor".
  • The Filter Tags search box in the tags panel however has the behavior I prefer. There, if I type "factor", it shows the tag "Transcription_Factor".

    Could this behavior be ported to the input box used to add a new tag to an item?
  • +1 ... This would be extremely useful. Nested tags would be nice too :)

    Thanks to the devs for all the hard work... Zotero 7 is great.
  • I was just coming to see if this had been done yet . . . there was talk of it being in I think 6 as a popular ask.
    Now I see we're at 7 . . . . . . .
    is the Add Tag autocomplete like this now? search any part of tags, like the tag filter area?
  • edited 26 days ago
    @moore.709 It is not yet, I am on 7.

    But 7 is great nonetheless! Though this would be a nice tiny improvement :)
  • soooo nice . . . I am always searching first in the filter area and it burns a lot of time
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