Microsoft Word footnote numbers different sizes when created by zotero vs word

edited August 14, 2024
I just realized that the footnote number size in word is different when I insert a footnote using zotero versus when I insert a footnote from the "references" tab in word (which I use when I want to make a comment rather than reference a source). I'm not talking about the size of the footnote content itself at the bottom of the page, but the small footnote number that inserts in the body of my text. I've looked around at the options in zotero and word and I can't seem to figure out how to change these settings. Has anyone else encountered this problem and can tell me how to fix it?

I am pretty sure this wasn't an issue in the past so I'm not sure why I'm having this problem now, though the current document I am working in is a result of me copying and pasting from multiple earlier documents that already contained footnotes.

EDIT: Actually, I think I have an idea as to the cause at least. In previous documents that I made tables in, the default setting was in 11pt font. I subsequently changed that default to 12pt font but when I copy and pasted the tables into new documents the tables still want to default to 11pt font when I create new rows. This seems to affect footnotes that I make directly from word itself, but not footnotes that zotero makes, but the footnote sizes are the same when I am not typing in these accursed tables. I welcome any suggestions on how to fix this issue without manually changing the font each time or retyping the tables from scratch, but I am not optimistic.
  • Zotero just inserts a Word footnote. The only reason the size might be different is if, for whatever reason, different Word styles are getting applied -- can you check the style in Word for the regular footnote and the one inserted with Zotero?
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