Prolem with citation

I'm trying to cite in APA 7th edition. The preview show that the ref. is short example: (Einstein, 1907) but when i cite in the text zotero puts the long reference, with title, all the authors, ecc. Hoe can I solve this?
  • How are you entering the citation into your document, exactly?
  • I'm having the same issue.

    Authors listed appropriately in Zotero database, in-text citation appears normal when selected in Add/Edit Citation, but after hitting enter it appears in the document incorrectly.

    I'm getting multiple authors that should be et al. and random initials making an appearance in some citations and not others. Driving me absolutely nuts.

    I even upgraded Zotero to make sure I was on the most current version and then had a huge run around because it broke the plug in.

    Finally fixed that and it STILL didn't change the problem.
  • We'd want to see a screenshot of the info pane in Zotero and the citation in the document.

    Make sure you've read through Given Name Disambiguation. Zotero's APA style is extremely accurate, so usually this is either a misunderstanding or a data-entry issue.
  • To be clear, it is correct APA style to add initials to a first author’s name if there are multiple different authors with the same last name cited in your document, and it is correct to add additional author names when 2 items have the same first author but different second/third/etc. authors.
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