How to "select all" the items in my library?

I installed zotero on a new computer, and just installed better bibtex. It generated citation keys for all of my library items, using the default citation key formula. I don't use that formula, I use auth.lower + year. So now I have to get better bibtex to generate new keys. According to this thread: the correct way to do this is to select all my library items, then right click and choose BBT -> Refresh. But I can't see how to select all my library items. I see "My Library" as the root item in the right hand pane. I click on it and then use "Edit -> Select All", and nothing happens. Or I click on it and use "Cntrl-A" and nothing happens. (I have this problem every time I install Zotero on a new computer, and I can't remember what I've done in the past, so I am documenting here for the next time. I'm going to answer my own question.)
  • After clicking on "My Library" I must then click on the first item, then I can "Edit -> Select All" or "Cntrl-A".

    Another thing that can go wrong with this procedure is that a query box opens up confirming that you want to change more than ten items. If it gets hidden behind another window and you don't click yes or no, then it will be possible to change a single item's cite key, but it will instantly change back as soon as you click away.
  • Also, I use auth + year, not auth.lower + year. But I don't seem to be able to edit my question.
  • but you're all set now, yes?
  • Yes, I'm all set.
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