Import tags form JSON file?

I have a JSON file that maps paper titles to tags. The named papers are already in my Zotero library. Is there a way to import such a file into Zotero, so that the tags are assigned to their corresponding papers?

This would make it possible to have some external (AI) tool assign tags I care about to papers I have read, so that I can find them again later without having to create and maintain tags manually, or to papers I have not read, so that I can decide which is most interesting.
  • Nothing trivial, no. You'd have to write a script that matches the paper title and then assigns the tags -- that's certainly possible (e.g. using pyzotero and the web API), and not super challenging, but it's also not trivial. As a heads up, from what I've seen, AI tools are doing poorly writing Zotero related code. There just isn't enough out there to train on.
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