Duplicate year in webpage reference

Hi there,

I'm coming up with an issue where biblio entries for websites list the year twice. Example where "2016" shows twice:

Aracoop. 2016. ‘Què és Aracoop’. 2016. http://aracoop.coop/aracoop/que-es-aracoop/.

This is in spite of the fact that the date is only entered once in the Zotero library (screenshot below).

Any idea why this might be happening? I'm using Chicago 17 author-date.


  • Hi, just flagging this - thanks!
  • Just a note that when I generate a biblio entry for the same reference in APA, the year doesn't show twice. So this seems to be a Chicago-specific issue.
  • It's because Chicago Manual wants the full date (withomth & day) there and we don't have a way to test of there is a month and day, so we always repeat the date
  • Thanks for clarifying!
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