Z7 : looking for some features (right click > Create a book chapter ; automatically move a file)

Thanks a lot for the new Z7 which seems so amazing ! What a great job...
Before updating my Z6 to Z7, I just wanted to check 2 points, as I am a compulsive and addict user of both Zotfile and Zutilo plugins, which are not Z7-ready, as far as I've understood.

*About Zotfile features*
- renaming PDF files seems now possible from Z7, without any plugin. Great news !
- what about automatically moving the new downloaded PDF file into a specific folder ? (very efficient and really useful for me)

*About Zutilo features*
- Copy, paste, and remove sets of tags : is there a way to do it in Z7 ?
- right click > Create a book chapter : soooooooo easy and useful... is this possible to do it in Z7 ?

Thanks for your help !
  • edited August 10, 2024
    The Zotfile-like plugins for Zotero v7 are zotmoov and attanger. They provide similar extra support for linked attachment file handling. Zotfile's enhanced file renaming is now provided by Zotero v7's enhanced capabilities. Neither plugin offers Zotfile's send-to-tablet feature.

  • Thanks for the links to the plugins.

    I just want to note that moving files when they are added to an item instead of copying them seems like basic functionality that shouldn't require a plugin. I'd prefer to see an option, but I'd imagine that a good number of users want a move instead of a copy as their default.
  • John -- not sure you're talking about the same thing? If you're dragging files to Zotero and you want to remove them from their original location while saving them to Zotero stage (i.e. move, not copy), that's already possible while holding a modifier key.
    The add-ons are for moving files to locations outside of Zotero (e.g., a Dropbox folder) -- people want that functionality, but it had a number of downsides, so Zotero isn't supporting it natively on purpose.
  • edited August 10, 2024
    Perhaps I am, yes. I don't usually (ever, actually) drag files to add them. On my laptop Zotero takes up the full screen, so I use the contextual menu for that.

    I see that the command key moves instead of copies on dray. Is there such an option for the contextual menu? Again, I'd be happy with a preference to indicate this.

    PS I see that Attanger seems to do what I want, though I'm not quite sure how it decides what file to add. That's not an issue for here though.
  • Thanks a lot @Tim820 and all for your comments and help ! It seems that I will be able to use Z7 as I was used to with Z6 :-)

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