Zotero 7 Beta Scrollbar is not modern/fluent

edited August 8, 2024
I have recently installed the latest Zotero 7 beta on a new Windows 10 machine. Upon installation, it would not open. I ran it as Windows 8 compatibility mode and that worked. However, the scrollbars look very old style.
  • You absolutely shouldn't need to start Zotero in any sort of compatibility mode. If you're going to post here, please respond to us when we respond to you and ask you questions.

  • Oh, so sorry about that. My previous post was pending approval. I never received a notification that it was approved and that you commented there. I will reply you there.
  • You should receive an email notification for the first comment to a thread you've previously participated in since the last time you visited the thread. Check your spam folder.
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