Latest Zotero 7 Beta Does not Launch Upon Installation (Windows 10)

I have been using the Zotero 7 beta on my old laptop. Today, I download and installed it on my new Windows 10 machine. Upon, installation, it just does not launch. I tried installing Zotero 6 and that works fine.

Zotero 7 beta version that does not work for me: Zotero-7.0.0-beta.114+d869d7898_win32_setup

I tried to look for an older build of 7 beta, but could not find the installer anywhere.

  • edited August 7, 2024
    What exactly happens? Have you tried restarting your computer? Is this an institutional computer?

    Is anything logged if you start from the command line and log to a console window?

    (Also, you should use the 64-bit version of Zotero.)
  • edited August 8, 2024
    As mentioned on the other thread, running the beta in compatibility mode worked. After first run, now it works even if I turn off the compatibility mode. It is a work computer, yes. This time, when starting from command line, it just opens and there are no logs.

    Edit: I am running the 64 bit version.
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