To transifex translators: Please do not modify the original terms of the glossary!
Recently, a translator has changed some terms in the glossary directly into their translations, which makes it hard for other languages to check the translations from the glossary because the corresponding terms are no longer in English.
Instead of clicking "Edit Terms", we should fill in the translations in the text box for translations (green box below) after selecting the language.
Note that when no language is selected (unchecked by default, red box below), the original text will be modified directly.
Instead of clicking "Edit Terms", we should fill in the translations in the text box for translations (green box below) after selecting the language.
Note that when no language is selected (unchecked by default, red box below), the original text will be modified directly.
I guess because this person is in the UK English team in addition to the Turkish team, and Transifex is for some reason giving UK English "translators" higher privileges and letting them overwrite the auto-populated (US) English terms?
We expect to specify the translation of some terms through the glossary, e.g., we would like to standardize the translation of `citation' as "引注" instead of "引文", and `pane' as "窗格". "instead of "面板" or "窗口".
Transifex will give a warning when a term is translated in a way that the glossary does not expect.
I don't know if fluent's reuse of strings is possible (at least not at this level of lexical granularity).
As someone who has been working on the Transifex translations for a long time, I found the Glossary to be useful for the reasons northword mentioned. It helps standardize the the terms, as an English word may help multiple ways to translate to Turkish. The Glossary is simplistic and error-prone –– simply conjugating a word will cause Transifex to give a warning, but it is much, much better than not having it.