Updated Annotations not shown when edits are made while filtered by color

edited August 1, 2024
Dear Zotero Community,

Hope you're well.

I'm using a reading workflow where I'm highlighting and annotating a document in a color-coded manner, using different colors to distinguish summary sentences from definitions or my own questions or critiques, etc. and then when I wish to view annotations of a certain color in that document, I filter annotations of a certain color using the color palette at the bottom of the annotations column. When the color filter is applied, I notice that any edits I make to those annotations are saved to the note but not shown until the color filter is removed.

However, if I filter annotations by keyword and make edits while the keyword filter is applied, the edits are saved and shown while the keyword filter is still applied. So it seems that the issue of edits disappearing only occurs when a color filter is applied.

Has anyone else encountered this issue? If so, any workarounds?

Report ID: 300341448
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