Bibliography deleted itself when I tried to insert some citations

[Split from Zotero major crash: not adding references, error updating document message, changing doc format]

Hi - I'm running into similar errors. I'm running Word 16.87 (24071426) and Zotero 6.0.37

So far, I have turned off Track Changes and the bibliography seems to have deleted itself when I tried to insert some citations in the document [I tried to do this at the end of the document first, hoping not to disturb anything earlier, but when that failed I tried from the beginning].

This is a multi-author document, so I am wondering if errant codes were left in or removed when someone else was doing edits.

  • (Please start new threads for new issues. I've moved this to a new thread.)

    The bibliography would disappear and be replaced with a placeholder line if "Automatically update citations" is disabled in the plugin's document preferences. That's normal.

    If this is a large document, you also just might not have waited long enough for the bibliography to refresh.

    Regardless, a Zotero bibliography is just a representation of the Zotero citations you've inserted into the document, so if you're not seeing the bibliography, you can just place the cursor where you want it and click Add/Edit Bibliography.
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