Deleting Group Shared Libraries

I have old shared group libraries of sources I would like to delete, but nothing happens when I try to delete them. Is it even possible to delete a shared group library?
  • How are you trying to delete them? You delete groups from the groups section on this site, not from the app.
  • I was trying to delete them using the desktop app but to no avail. I did what you recommended and it worked! Thank you. But, where is the documentation for deleting groups? I thought I did thorough search - guess I didn't.
  • I have appreciated the two previous comments, but it is not clear how one deletes a shared group library on this site based on the response. There does not seem to be the capability for doing this in the Group Management page. Could you point me to the documentation for this, please? Thank you!
  • > Manage Profile > Delete Group (only available to the group's owner).
  • Thank you, that worked! While I have many shared libraries with my students, I think I may have pulled up a shared Zotero in which I was not the owner, which explains why there was no Delete Group section...
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