RERO ILS translator broken

Hello, the translator for RERO ILS seems to be broken again.
I'm trying to locally save, for example, this:
The translator fails and saves it as webpage. This only happens with this specific translator, others work fine. I'm using Firefox 128 and Zotero 6.0.35.
I've created a debug ID: D690919364.
Can somebody fix it? Pretty please!
  • Looking into it, thanks.
  • Fixed. Your Zotero Connector should auto-update within a few minutes, or you can update manually by clicking Update Translators in the Advanced pane of the Zotero Connector preferences. (The translator wasn't broken in general, as far as I can tell - that catalog entry just has some unusual metadata that we weren't handling correctly.)
  • Many thanks, now it works flawlessly on this and other items previously unimportable.
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