Bibliography starts over at 1 again after adding in citations in word document

I am working on a Mac and received back a document with edits that need to be completed. I am wondering how to keep my zotero working when I receive a paper back with edits. When I went to insert a citation already used in the paper, it insert it as '1', indicating to me that the zotero wasn't working anymore. I have turned off the tracking, and made sure that the document is saved as docx. I've also copied the document into a new word document and it still does the same thing. Can someone please advise?
  • edited July 23, 2024
    See Existing Citations Not Detected. I know you saw this from the other thread you posted to, but it really does answer your question.

    If this is happening to a document edited by someone else, it's likely something they're doing, not you. If they're, say, opening the document in Pages, it doesn't matter if you're giving them a .docx. The document would still get broken when they resaved it.
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