Is Zotero Lab worth it for my company?

I work for a small/medium enterprise and we have been using Zotero for some time but have maxed out our storage.
I am looking into upgrading and Zotero Lab looks promising but I am not sure how it differs from the group owner getting unlimited storage (cheaper than Lab).
Am I right in saying that a group owner with unlimited storage can add as many members as they like to the group and those members make use of the group owners storage?
Does having Zotero Lab mean you can have more group owners (Lab has a 'minimum of 15 users') also with unlimited storage that can add as many members as they like to their respective groups?

Any help would be appreciated :)
  • edited July 24, 2024
    Group storage always counts against the group owner's quota. There can only ever be one owner.

    An individual plan gives you storage for your personal library and groups you own.

    A Lab plan gives unlimited storage to all lab members, which they can use for their personal libraries and any groups they own.
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