changing admin for company group library


Our company used to have a small group library on zotero that people could use for their various references and such. This was administrated by our former administrative assistant, who had the authority/responsibility to add people to the group library.

The issue is she has left for a while now, and she did not transmit the admin status to anyone else, nor did she leave us the necessary password and such to access her account . This creates a problem: while the people already added to the library can continue to work fine within it, it's impossible for us to add new members of the team to the library.

Is it at all possible to shift admin duties to someone else from the original admin?
  • You can send as much details as possible to (ideally of the type that demonstrate this is a company-related group and you are legitimate representatives of said company) and they may be willing to switch the group to a new owner.

    For future reference, I would strongly recommend having a separate account that 'owns' the group with the login shared between 2-3 high-ranking members of the organization. They do not need to serve as admins (anyone else can be turned into an admin) but they will be able to make other users admins and remove those that have left the company.
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