file name in notes

Hi. I am new to Zotero, I use it only for my thesis.
When I annotate documents, sometimes notes have the name of the document in their heading and sometimes they don't. I don't understand why that happens. I attached an image that shows this (language: Croatian). What am I doing wrong? I apologize if there is already a discussion about this, but I couldn't find it.
  • Someone, please help.
  • The ones that show the item title are child notes. The other ones are standalone notes. It just depends on which option you use to create the note.
  • Thank you. Sometimes the notes are attached to the file automatically, sometimes they aren't. I have only two options when creating a note: "add standalone note" and "add standalone note from annotations".
  • Those are the two options in the All Notes section of the Notes pane in the reader. If you view a PDF that's properly placed under a regular metadata item, there will be an Item Notes section above it that lets you create child notes.

    You can also create a child note for any regular item from the library tab. See Notes for details on that.

    Read through Adding PDFs and Other Files, including "Standalone Attachments and Parent Items", to make sure you understand how this works.
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