
我用Edge的Zotero Connector保存PubMed的文章时,发现保存的文章信息不对,期刊都成了PubMed,而且没有卷期等信息。同样,用Google学术查询保存enw格式后导入的文献格式都是正确的(如图),请问是什么原因?
  • edited July 22, 2024
    Saving from PubMed via the Zotero Connector works fine, and it produces much better metadata than your screenshot. Your description of how you're saving from Google Scholar is also not the way to do it. See Adding Items to Zotero to make sure you understand how to use Zotero.
  • Adding Items to Zotero doesn't seem to specifically mention my case, and the problem remains unsolved. Also, I confirm that the article is not the issue, because the same article with Google scholor import is formatted correctly, but pubmed import document format is all incorrect, all duly title to become the pubmed.
  • edited July 22, 2024
    The linked page explains how to save items to Zotero.

    How exactly are you saving? What does it say in the Library Catalog field for the item above?
  • I know how to save articles from the web to zotero, but I don't know why saving pubmed entries goes wrong (as you can see in the image I uploaded).
  • edited July 22, 2024
    You'll need to answer my questions if you want further help. If you're saying you're saving an .enw file from Google Scholar, it does not sound like you know how to save from the web to Zotero.
  • I clicked on the pubmed page after all the items had been loaded and the connector icon had turned into a book, but the information imported into zotero was still inaccurate. Before I import from pubmed are not seen this kind of situation, only recently encountered such a situation.
  • edited July 22, 2024
    What do you mean by "clicked on the pubmed page"? You should be clicking on the Save to Zotero button in your browser toolbar, not anything on the page.

    And again, what is in the Library Catalog field?

    You also shouldn't get a book icon on — that should be a Journal Article icon. If you're getting something else, share a Debug ID from the Zotero Connector for reloading the page and trying to save.
  • "clicked on the pubmed page" means that I clicked the button of the Zotero Connector, for example (screenshot 1), and the information I added to zotero looks like this (screenshot 2).
  • What does it say when you hover over the button? Presumably not "Save to Zotero (PubMed)"?

    Can you provide a Debug ID from the Zotero Connector for reloading the page and trying to save?
  • D1054757944
    Yes, instead of "Save to Zotero (PubMed)", it appears "Save to Zotero (Embedded Metadata)" (image uploaded).
  • edited July 22, 2024
    That Debug ID is from Zotero, not the Zotero Connector.

    But that metadata also isn't what you would get from the current Embedded Metadata translator. You've installed a plugin (Jasminum) that modifies Zotero translators, so you should start by disabling it and resetting your translators from the Advanced → Files and Folders section of the Zotero settings.
  • D2056552496
    This is the Debug ID of the Zotero Connector. In addition, I disabled Jasminum plugin and reset translators as you said. Click Zotero Connector, the default display is still "Save to Zotero (Embedded Metadata)", and the import is an error entry. However, right-click and select "Save to Zotero (DOI)" to import normally, and grab the normal metadata (screenshot shown).
  • Reset your translators from the Advanced pane of the Zotero Connector preferences as well, and then try again.
  • I tried, but the problem still exists.
  • Then there's still some problem with your Zotero or Zotero Connector installation.

    Can you provide separate Debug IDs for 1) resetting translators in Zotero with all plugins disabled and 2) resetting translators in the Zotero Connector and reloading the page?
  • Debug ID for Zotero: D1417081551
    Debug ID for Zotero Connector: D621364151
  • Can you try disabling all other browser extensions and reloading the page?
  • Found the key problem, the original is Merlin plug-in led to this situation, after disable this plugin can normal import.
    Thank you for your patience. It was great.
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