New Group created online not showing in Zotero app

Hi, I have a zotero account and created a group library online, and made sure in the app it is synced in the sync pane, however, I am not being able to view this group/shared file I created online in the file pane in the zotero app. Even after I press sync.
  • edited July 22, 2024
    Tried to get teh debug ID. I could not find the number but I copied the error that I received:

    [error report removed — D.S.]
  • No, you'll need to follow the linked instructions, which explain exactly how to generate a Debug ID and what it needs to show.
  • After making sure that all the other options in changes no syncing were correct (I can see the left pane, the account is the same for the syncing, i do not receive a sync error) I followed the further troubleshooting instructions. Enabled debug logging. Pressed Sync, then went to retrieve the debug output- got the error pane, where the debug ID was not clear to me.
  • then went to retrieve the debug output- got the error pane, where the debug ID was not clear to me
    I don't know what you mean by "error pane".
  • D1928370812 is this the debug ID?
  • Yes, but it doesn't show a sync attempt.
  • When I try to press sync so I can see the group library that I created on the online library, nothing happens. The arrow does not turn, nor any message is received. I do not know why my group library created (I am the owner and thus a member) is not showing in my Zotero desktop app.
  • edited July 22, 2024
    I'm saying the debug output doesn't actually show you clicking the Sync button.

    Can you provide a Debug ID for Zotero startup through the initial auto-sync, using the "Restart with Logging Enabled…" option?
  • Hi, it worked! After restarting the zotero app. The group library showed.
    However, I am facing another issue where the citations being downloaded from databases are automatically downloading into my endnote library, where I want them to download into zotero, I have zotero as an extension on my firefox browser.

    Thank you for your help.
  • You need to actually use the Zotero Connector:

    Beyond that, you can remove the EndNote browser extension or associate .ris/.enw files with Zotero in your OS so that they open in Zotero, but that's not primarily how you add things to Zotero. You just click the Save to Zotero button.
  • I was clicking on the send to option in pubmed, ad choose the citation manager, where automatically it downloads in endnote.

    From the link you sent, it seems all i have to do is press the zotero article icon in the toolbar, and choose the library to save it to and press done. Correct?
  • From the link you sent, it seems all i have to do is press the zotero article icon in the toolbar, and choose the library to save it to and press done. Correct?
  • Thank you dstillman. Appreciate your help.
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