Zotero Connector Translator Error in Firefox Browser

edited July 20, 2024
I got an error on the Google Scholar page with single or multiple articles. I could select single/multiple files but saving to the library is not working. It's giving translator errors with the following log output.(Under Zotero connector-->Preference--> Advanced-->Report error)

#Selection of multiple files to Save into the library

[JavaScript Error: "9 row(s) failed to translate
scrapeMany@moz-extension://cfee43ab-0538-4cd7-b2f3-e4579f1355ac/inject/sandboxManager.js line 63 > eval:196:9
" {file: "[object Object]"}]

#Selection of a single file to Save into the library
[JavaScript Error: "1 row(s) failed to translate
scrapeMany@moz-extension://cfee43ab-0538-4cd7-b2f3-e4579f1355ac/inject/sandboxManager.js line 63 > eval:196:9
" {file: "[object Object]"}]

I have already opened my Zotero on the desktop and logged into Zotero online too. Meantime, I have checked in the Microsoft Edge browser. It's working on the Microsoft Edge browser.

I have done with "reset the translator", and "Reauthorize" of save in zotero.org in Zotero connector preferences. I have disabled all other add-ons. I have reinstalled the Zotero connector. But none of the steps are working.

Any help? Thanks.
  • We'd want to see an actual Debug ID from the Zotero Connector for reloading the page and trying to save, but on Google Scholar it's most likely just site access limits.
  • edited July 21, 2024
    Debug ID is: D143503140

    The Zotero Connector for Firefox works on other websites but not on Google Scholar. I just tried using the Zotero Connector on Google Scholar for the first time, so it's unlikely that I've reached the site's access limit.

  • Google can block for all sorts of reasons, including your geographical location. And it could be as simple as trying to save a bunch of items at once (as it looks like you're doing).
  • Perhaps it worked when I used a VPN with a different geo-location. Is enabling a VPN the only workaround for this issue?
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