Repeated citations

Hello, I am currently finalizing my thesis and I am having trouble with multiple citations and refs to a single reference. I have cleared my Zotero library of duplicates and edited my citations. The old incorrect citations reappear after I click refresh. What should I do? I read the forums regarding similar issues but I got so confused. Can you please outline for me the steps I need to take to resolve this issue? I am due to submit my work by early next week and this one is keeping me.

Thank you!
  • It could be that you still have a stray duplicated item in your document itself (not in Zotero).
    Delete them, and reinsert, making sure you're using the one that says "My library".
  • edited July 19, 2024
    Thanks for the prompt reply. Any other possible remedy? I have done this already and the problem persisted.

    Another issue I have now is that I am no longer able to edit my citations or refresh my file. Every time I click "edit/add citation" my Zotero library appears. Nothing happens when I click refresh. Is my file corrupted? What should I do?

    Your help will be greatly appreciated.

  • Hello again,

    I restarted my computer and the edit citation and refresh buttons now work normally. However, my citation edits were completely overridden and my first problem" repeated citations" recurred. Where did I go wrong? I have re-entered my problematic citations from "my library" at least a third time now.

    Please advise. Thanks!
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