Missing annotated PDFs after syncing with Litmaps

Hello! Yesterday I was working with the Litmamps add-on and synced my Zotero library into Litmaps. When I came back to the Zotero app (Mac.OS Sonoma 14.5), all of my saved files were gone and my library was empty. A few minutes later, my library repopulated, but the attached PDFs remain missing. I put in a lot of effort highlighting and annotating these, so I would really like to get these back!

I am willing to remove the Litmaps add-on if that is the culprit. However, I would still like to get my PDFs back! Thank you!
  • edited July 19, 2024
    Yes, it does look like Litmaps did this, and this is actually the second instance of this we've seen. (That one was slightly less clear, but this pretty well confirms it.) We're going to block all Litmaps access for now and try to get in touch with them.

    You should be able to restore data from one of your automatic backups, though I'm afraid you might lose a day or two of work. Restoring from a database backup won't restore your attachments, but once you've recovered data, we may be able to reassociate any files you had online.
  • Thank you! I followed the instructions and restored my data from the last backup successfully. Is it possible to try and reassociate the files now?
  • Did you use Restore to Online Library to overwrite the server library with your backup? You only have about a dozen attachments in your online library, and they all already have files associated with them.
  • In the online library that I can see, only 6 of the 23 saved articles have files associated with them. There must be some sort of disconnect?
  • To be clear, we're talking about whether you can view the actual files online, not whether there are attachment items. If there aren't attachment items at all, you didn't properly restore from the backup and overwrite the online library. All we can do is reassociate previously uploaded files for attachment items that actually exist.

    All the attachments you have online — and I'm seeing 11 items with PDF attachments, including a couple in the trash — have files associated with them.
  • Okay, thank you.
  • Any updates on resolution of this issue?
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