Plugin integration Zotero 2 Word 2002 OpenOffice 3

Hello everyone,

I upgraded to Zotero 2 last week on my XP machine but have been having major problems integrating the plugins for both Word and OpenOffice.

I have tried the trouble shooting techniques here to no avail

For Word the toolbar the error I get is "Zotero Word Integration could not complete installation because an error occurred. Please ensure that Word is closed, then restart Firefox." but Word is closed and repeated install changes nothing. No toolbar is installed and there is no .dot file in my word start folder.

For OpenOffice 3, the toolbar shows but despite repeated installs of the 3.0.a6 plugin to Firefox I get the error " This version of the Zotero word processor plugin (1.0b4) is incompatible with the currently installed version of the Zotero Firefox extension (2.0)"
I have reinstalled Java but this has no effect. Perhaps the legacy version of the plugin is sitting in my program files somewhere, but I can't find it to remove it.

Following this thread it seems my filepaths for java / OO integration might also be a problem but I do not understand what to do to change this, so any explanation would be gratefully received.

Incidentally the OO plugin and Zotero 2 worked out of the box on my Ubuntu laptop which makes the hours I've spent trying to sort this out for my work machine all the more frustrating!

Please, if anyone has any ideas for other things I could try I would be so grateful to hear them.

Thanks in advance for your time,
  • For Word the toolbar the error I get is "Zotero Word Integration could not complete installation because an error occurred. Please ensure that Word is closed, then restart Firefox." but Word is closed and repeated install changes nothing. No toolbar is installed and there is no .dot file in my word start folder.
    For OpenOffice 3, the toolbar shows but despite repeated installs of the 3.0.a6 plugin to Firefox I get the error " This version of the Zotero word processor plugin (1.0b4) is incompatible with the currently installed version of the Zotero Firefox extension (2.0)"
  • Thanks for the pointer Dan.

    Problem solved for OO by removing the previous version using the extension manager (my bad for not realising that the previous plugin could -and should- be removed in this way in windows).

    Problem also solved for Word by manual install. The issue here was not the plugin per say but the file paths of my roaming profile which were pointing out into space both for firefox and word, thus making it a pain to locate the .dot file after the plugin was installed, but we made it in the end and I am now a happy zotero-er again :o)

  • Great. Glad to hear it.
    (my bad for not realising that the previous plugin could -and should- be removed in this way in windows)
    It shouldn't need to be normally, but it isn't automatically uninstalled for some reason, this is the workaround.
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