File Renaming from Parent data not reflected on UI (Zotero 7 on Windows 11)

I have created the file renaming with the customized file format of {{date}} {{firstCreator}} {{ title truncate="100" }}. It works fine with changing the file name in the local storage attached copy. However, it did not reflect on the UI.

I have another problem. if the date field is in yyyy/mm/dd or dd-mm-yyyy format, It cannot rename the file correctly. While renaming if the option is given in customized file format for e.g., {{date format="yyyy-mm-dd"}} {{firstCreator}} {{ title truncate="100" }}, It will be helpful to generate file name as per ISO 8601 standard ( such as 2022-01-23 My Report.pdf). Thank you.

Pl find the screenshot below
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