Struggling to find the right citation style

edited July 16, 2024
Can anyone recommend a Zotero citation style that orders citations chronologically by their descending year of publication (i.e., most recent first), and then listed for each year alphabetically? For example:

(Yaams et al., 2023; Fenson, 2017; Smith et al., 2017, 2015, 2011)

Thank you!
  • Have you identified a citation style that generally fits, minus the sorting? Easier for us to give you guidance how to adapt the citation style.

    For which publication is this anyway? Maybe it makes sense for us to make a custom style.
  • Many thanks for the quick response, @damnation! The citation style that generally fits is: 'Elsevier - Harvard (with titles)'

    This is for my PhD thesis so not a journal publication.
  • edited July 16, 2024
    Update: I am at the point where I have managed to manipulate the 'Elsevier - Harvard (with titles)' code so that the citation almost works as I need. The only issue now is that the dates are still ascending for the same author (i.e., Smith):

    Current: (Yaams et al., 2023; Fenson, 2017; Smith, 2011, 2015, 2017)

    Desired: (Yaams et al., 2023; Fenson, 2017; Smith, 2017, 2015, 2011)
  • Line ~208:
    Change to: <key macro="issued" sort="ascending"/>
  • edited July 16, 2024
    That is not quite what I need. I am listing all citations in descending order (not ascending) and have already accomplished this (since, by default, citations are already in descending order in 'Elsevier - Harvard with titles').

    For clarity, the problem I am facing is that multiple citations for the same author (see 'Smith' in the example below) are currently ascending (i.e., 2011, 2015, 2017) — I simply need these to be descending too (i.e., 2017, 2015, 2011) so that citations appear as follows:

    (Yaams et al., 2023; Fenson, 2017; Smith, 2017, 2015, 2011)
  • Is the "Smith" author the exact same or are the initials different?
    This just works out of the box for me with the style fresh from the repository.:
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