renaming file from parent metadata does rename file but not the file entry in zotero UI

renaming file from parent metadata used to rename the file *and* the file name shown in Zotero UI. This is no longer the case with todays beta 7.0.0-beta.101+220bb4383. Not sure when this change happened exactly though.

The confirmation message in the bottom left shows, that the file has been renamed and a check confirms that info. But the pdf file name in the Library is shown unchanged in Zotero.
  • Thanks for pointing me to the documentation:
    "The parent item row already displays metadata such as the title and authors, and since files are generally renamed using that same metadata, Zotero doesn't show the filename directly in the items list. Instead, it uses simpler, less-distracting attachment titles such as “PDF” or “EPUB” for the first file of a given type or includes additional information about the source of the file (e.g., “ScienceDirect Full Text PDF” for a file saved from ScienceDirect, or “Accepted Version” or “Submitted Version” for open-access files)."

    I will have to get used to that change and wrap my head around whether I like it or not while using Zotero in the coming weeks but it is probably a good idea to use file type naming for attachments and with that making the library less distracting and confusing.
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