[Zotero 7 beta] File name is not updating after automatic renaming.

edited July 16, 2024
In my Zotero settings, automatic file renaming is turned on. The renaming of the files is set like this:
```{{ firstCreator suffix=" - " }}{{ year suffix=" - " }}{{ title truncate="100" }}```

The files are automatically renamed when I add them to Zotero. The issue is, that most of the file names are not updating in the titles area.

In the screenshot, you can see that I tried the option "Rename File from Parent Metadata". But the file name is showing up as "PDF" in the titles area. The actual file name is shown on the right side in the filename section. Is this a real bug or some settings issue on my part?

Zotero Version: 7.0.0-beta.101+220bb4383 (64-bit)
OS Info: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS x86_64
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