Cannot open Zotero

ID: 463107403



[Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80500001 [nsIScriptableUnicodeConverter.charset]" nsresult: "0x80500001 ()" location: "JS frame :: chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/utilities_internal.js :: sha1 :: line 214" data: no]
From previous event:


When I try to open zotero, the error above appear with two options: check updating or quit. And the zotero will closed whatever I choose. I have tried to re-install the zotero to solve this problem. However, after a few days, the error come again.

What other information can I provide?

Thank you for your time.
  • Do you still get an error if you disable all plugins?

    Can you provide a Debug ID for Zotero startup, using the "Restart with Logging Enabled…" option? If you can't access the menu, see Reporting Startup Errors.
  • Thank you for your response!

    For the first question, the answer is: I am not sure. As described above, if I face the error, I cannot open the zotero, and then cannot disable the plugins.

    Luckily, sometimes when I try to open the Zotero, no error appears(I don't know why, just by accident). In that case, I can disable all the plugins. However, I cannot ensure it works because I disable all the plugins or by accident.

    For the second question. I can provide a Debug ID, but I am unsure whether it contains the information you need. As I said before, sometimes I am lucky enough to open the Zotero, and then I can use the "restart with logging enabled option". However, in that case, the serious bug does not appear. Whatever, the debug ID is: D1502799136. I hope it will be helpful.

    What other information can I provide?

    Thank you for your time.
  • In that case, I can disable all the plugins. However, I cannot ensure it works because I disable all the plugins or by accident.
    But if you disable the plugins, they stay disabled. So you can restart Zotero any number of times and confirm that the problem doesn't occur.
  • edited July 16, 2024
    @XiongXiao: If the debug output doesn't show the error occurring, it wouldn't help, no. Are you saying that debug output was for a successful startup where everything worked? There is one error logged in there, but it's unclear if it's related to the problem you're referring to.
  • If you can start up Zotero normally, you should check your database integrity from the Advanced → Files and Folders pane of the Zotero settings.
  • Thank you. I am sorry that I don't know how to cite your comment, so I will answer the questions one by one.

    First, thank you for your advice. I will do that. Now, I disable all the plugins and then restart the Zotero 10 times. It works well. I will keep trying that in the following several days.

    Second, Yes. If I can report the bug ID, that means I can start the Zotero. However, the most severe bug I face is that "I cannot start the Zotero".

    Third, I did it. For the first time, the Zotero said: "Bla Bla Bla, you need to fix by bla bla bla (I translated it from Chinese, sorry I cannot remember the details.)" However, when I did it again(and 3 4 5 times), it said: "No error in this database"

    And, now, after disabling all the plugins to test, I face a disappointing new bug: I cannot use the Zotero-word plugin in the new doc(however, it works in old files with reference and bibliography) file even though I have enabled it.

    And if I restart with two official plugins: Zotero word and Zotero LibreOffice Integration, the severe bug appears again. Luckily, maybe I recorded it because I did the "restart with logging enabled option" before.
    debug ID: D2117031758

    What other information can I provide? And what else can I do?

    Thank you for your time.
  • edited July 16, 2024
    And if I restart with two official plugins: Zotero word and Zotero LibreOffice Integration, the severe bug appears again
    I'm not sure what you mean by that. The Debug ID just shows a normal startup without any problems. A Debug ID is only useful if it actually captures the problem occurring.
    And, now, after disabling all the plugins to test, I face a disappointing new bug: I cannot use the Zotero-word plugin in the new doc
    I mean, to be clear, if you disable the official plugins, word processor integration won't work. I'm not talking about those — I'm only talking about third-party plugins.
  • I catch it: I disable all the plugins, but the bug appears.
    The debug ID is: D1662528541

    Thank you for your time.
  • There are no errors logged in there — that seems to show a normal startup and an initial auto-sync. Can you share a screenshot of what exactly you're seeing?

    You should also temporarily disable syncing while using "Restart with Logging Enabled" to avoid the log from being filled up with sync activity. You can turn auto-sync back on once your problem is resolved.

    And again, you don't need to disable the word processor integration plugins. When we say to disable plugins, that's only ever referring to third-party plugins.
  • "If you can start up Zotero normally, you should check your database integrity from the Advanced → Files and Folders pane of the Zotero settings."

    I did these again, now it suggests me to fix it by tools in However, I don't have permission to access this resource.
  • For this time, what I see is:



    Error: cleanDOI: argument must be a string
    From previous event:

    The debug ID is: D1663187056

    I am not sure whether this report records the error, because if I face the error, the Zotero closes itself automatically. And I need to open it again to obtain the debug ID.
  • I redo the "restart with logging enabled option" to replicate the error.
    BugID is: D977220128

    Thank you for your time.
  • It looks like your database may be corrupted in various ways. Are you able to upload it to the DB Repair Tool? If so, can you provide the Upload ID? You can ignore the download links the tool gives you for now.
  • Thank you for your response.

    I am trying to do so. However, the Repair Tool told me "Please wait while your database is uploaded. Note that this could take a while, depending on your connection speed and the size of your Zotero database." My file is about 40M, lower than the 150M limit. But finally, I obtained "504 Gateway Time-out". And then, I cannot get the upload ID.

    I have tried 3 times(and have tried to use another Internet resource). I will try again later.

    Thank you for your time.
  • I have not yet successfully uploaded the file. I reinstall the Zotero again, and face the same error even though I have not signed in.

    I record the bug ID and hope it could be helpful.

    bugID: D525873807

    Thank you for your time.
  • We'll need to look at the database. If you can't upload it to the DB Repair Tool, you can upload it somewhere else and send a link to with a link to this thread.
  • Maybe because I reinstalled the Zotero, the database file became smaller, which made me successfully upload the file.
    The ID is: 6697b9a10ca72

    Thank you for your time.
  • Another piece of information: The Zotero performs well(at least I can open it) on my other PC with the same account. So, I guess there may be something wrong with my laptop.

    I hope this piece of information may be helpful.

    Thank you.
  • Hello, I come here to update the information: My Zotero work well after I replaced the motherboard of my computer. I don't know why, but it works.

    Thank you for your time!
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