All files exporting rather than just selected files

Hi all,

I am trying to export a folder of 360 citations from my Zotero library into Rayyan. I followed these instructions, including only selecting the files that I want to export:

Regardless of what file format I choose when exporting citations (e.g., RIS, BibTex, CSV), the exported file keeps including 1,010 references (every reference I have ever saved through Zotero in any folder), rather than the 360 references I selected in the folder that I need to export. This file issue occurs before uploading anything to Rayyan.

I've tried restarting my computer and have ensured that I have the latest version of Zotero. I've included screenshots below of my settings/how I selected articles before exporting them. What else could I try in order to only export these 360 files?

Thanks in advance!
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