Scrolling Problem in Vertical Mode on 1920x1200 Screen

Dear Community,

I am a happy user of Zotero and have been using it to manage my paper library for the past few years.

I recently switched to a convertible laptop with a screen resolution of 1920x1200, and I often read documents while traveling using the screen vertically.

I have read other threads on the forum about users reporting that the top instruments bar does not resize correctly on some screens (and yes, this is my case), but this post is not about that issue.

When in vertical mode, I can easily zoom in and navigate through the document, but the right corner cannot be scrolled enough, resulting in it being cut off.

The attached picture shows the maximum right position I can achieve when scrolling, and as visible, part of the text is not readable.

This does not happen on the left side of the page, as shown in this other screenshot.

This issue is much more annoying than the instrument bar not properly resizing, as it prevents me from using Zotero to read documents in vertical mode.

Not sure if any other user is having the same issue. I also tried updating to the latest beta version (7.0.0-beta.99+174bde745), but I am encountering the same issue as in the latest stable release. I hope I was clear enough!

Thanks in advance for all the support!
  • 1) What exactly do you mean by "vertical mode"?
    2) Can you reproduce this in Troubleshooting Mode (Help → "Restart in Troubleshooting Mode…”)?
  • Hi martynas_b, thank you for the promptly answer.

    1) What exactly do you mean by "vertical mode"?

    When I close the screen to use the laptop as a tablet mode, the screen is flipped by 90° i.e. the aspect ratio of the window become 1200x1920. You can see what I mean from the screenshots I attached.
    Please let me know if I need to be more specific.

    2) Can you reproduce this in Troubleshooting Mode (Help → "Restart in Troubleshooting Mode…”)?
    I do not have any plugin installed but I tried the troubleshooting mode as well.
    The problem appears also in this mode.

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