Option to save to Zotero missing from browser

Connector is installed in Chrome browser but option to save to Zotero missing from drop down menu.

Error logging report:

How do I restore functionality.

  • I'm not sure what drop-down menu you're referring to. The main way you use the Zotero Connector is by clicking the button in your browser toolbar. See No Toolbar Button.
  • Thanks for your reply. I use the drop down menu that displays when you right click on an item It usually gives me an option to save to Zotero. I've made sure Zotero is running and the browser connector is installed but still don't see the Zotero option on that drop down menu.
    Based on reading the post you referenced, I double checked my Edge settings and all are in order. I guess I'll have to try the uninstall option. Same problem in Chrome.
    Well, at least I know to look for the toolbar button and see if I can't get that to appear if it isn't already displayed.
    Again, thanks for your time and expertise.
  • edited July 18, 2024
    You'd have to provide a screenshot — I still don't know what you mean by "right click on an item".

    But getting the toolbar button to appear should be as simple as pinning it from the Extensions popup, as explained on the linked page.
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