A database/UI glitch affecting Related items

edited July 14, 2024
For at least one item in my library, there seems to be a bug between the data and the UI.

I noticed it a couple weeks ago when trying to relate 3 items. Two of the items show the relations, but the third always showed "0 Related". But when I looked at the item data using `zoteroPane.getSelectedItems()[0]`, it the item's data shows all three links
"relations": {
"dc:relation": [

If I try to add relations to the issue item, the "0 Related" never changes (but the data does update).

Then, when taking screenshots for this post, I put the item in a collection and it started showing "2 Related", but expanding the menu never displayed the related item. Restarting Zotero brought back the "0 Related".

This has persisted across at least 2 beta versions.

possibly related to https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/115957/0-notes-in-right-pane-with-multiple-notes-sometimes






  • BBT support happens on GitHub, not on these forums.
  • This post is about Related items, not BBT. The other post I referenced is about Notes.

    I only mentioned BBT because it seemed to be a related symptom.
  • Citation key display is a BBT feature.
  • edited July 14, 2024
    I think that the erratic Citation key behavior for this item is just a symptom of the Zotero data->UI bug that is causing Related items (and probably Notes as well) to not display correctly.

    I want to emphasize that this post is about Related items. I only mentioned the Citation key in case it was helpful for diagnosing the issue. If you want me to also raise this issue on BBT's github, I can. For now I'll remove the reference to the Citation key in the first post, since I think that the root cause is Zotero bug, not BBT.

  • edited July 14, 2024
    When the developer of a plug-in that you use suggests that the problem might be his plug-in, you probably should pay attention. He is extraordinarily skilled, helpful, and honest.

    When you have a problem like yours, you should (temporarily) disable your plug-ins by running Zotero in troubleshooting mode. Your issue might be an interaction among your plug-ins.

    help/restart in troubleshooting mode...
  • @DWL-SDCA I'm just tying to not waste his time on a non-BBT issue. Yes, I have disabled all plug-ins, including BBT, the Related items issue doesn't change. This post is about Related items.

    Restarting in troubleshooting mode changes nothing. What should I do once I've restarted in trouble shooting mode with plugins disabled? Again, the UI shows "0 Related", the item data shows 3 relations.
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