In text citation: same last name, same year, different first name

Hi there,

I have references for interviews conducted by two separate people who have the same last year, that were conducted in the same year. I'm using Chicago author-text, and both citations are showing up as simply (lastname yyyy), i.e. no first initial differentiating them.

Interestingly, the citations are italicized, which I assume is Zotero alerting me to this very issue. However, it's unclear what I can do to differentiate them in-text. Suggestions appreciated!
  • The style should (and generally does) add initials to those automatically, as the Manual prescribes. The italics are odd and shouldn't be there. Which word processor is this? What happens in a new document where you cite just those two items?
  • The word processor is MS Word for 365. Interestingly, initials are added properly when I cite them in a new document.

    Thanks @adamsmith
  • Hi there - just following up. Thanks.
  • In our original document, switch to IEEE OR nature and then back to Chicago.
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